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Lokalitet: Stockholm, Sweden

Telefon: +46 72 215 13 29

Adress: Höggarn 11136 Stockholm, Sweden

Anhängare: 253


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Bardo AB 05.11.2021

Fuck Passive entertainment, happy 2019 and shoutouts to Netfix for taking a bunch of 2008-12 transmedia elements and making them work in "Bandersnatch!" You may have proven streaming is a great platform for ARG / Reality Game participatory media. Now let's see you take the next step ;)... https://tuckersoft.net/ealing20541/

Bardo AB 27.10.2021

A new dawn, Martin Ericsson is back in the Nordic countries and now joining forces with Odyssé - existing times are coming!

Bardo AB 14.10.2021

Back in Atlanta after a glorious weekend presenting Monitor Celestra at NYU. Is that the sound of FTL spooling up for a transatlantic jump? I think it is... http://monitorcelestra.com/blog/ http://gamecenter.nyu.edu/practice/index.html

Bardo AB 02.10.2021

New adventures is comimg, next stop Dublin!