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Lokalitet: Stockholm, Sweden

Telefon: +46 76 776 66 02

Adress: Falkvägen 5 13246 Stockholm, Sweden

Hemsida: www.nordinnutrition.com

Anhängare: 353


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Nordin Nutrition 25.09.2021

Something to just think about... ignoring most problems generally doesn’t make them magically disappear. Good health is not magic, it’s a conscious decision, a series of chosen actions and in the end the formation of new habits.

Nordin Nutrition 25.09.2021

Children, especially in the early years, are like little sponges, absorbing all the information around them. If you want your little ones to absorb healthy habits, then there’s no better way than leading by example. This is my youngest little sponge who tried out a number of the Kallpressen juices I’ve been drinking, as part of the Body Reset. Her verdict: Selleri juice - yes , Sweet Kale juice - a winner, Vetegräss - not quite convinced ... but Mamma drinks it so ...just give it time . As for me, I’m feeling lighter, sleeping better, and sold on these green cold pressed organic delights .

Nordin Nutrition 24.09.2021

I LOVE SOUP - this weekend it was roasted cauliflower soup and my mini taste-tester also thought it was pretty tasty. Soups are a versatile way of packing in loads of vege and flavor, and are so quick and simple. What’s your favorite soup?

Nordin Nutrition 22.09.2021

Meet my breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the next 3 days. Cold pressed, nutritionally packed, organic juices from Stockholm’s Kallpressen these beauties were just delivered to my door and I am excited to give my gut a rest for the next 72 hours. Last week more than half the participants of my Body Reset also did varying lengths of juice fast from Kallpressen as part of their programme and they experienced outstanding results. Having spent more almost three week’s preppi...ng their bodies with clean, wholefoods, the Body Reseters were able to really reap the benefits of a juice fast without any of the nasty side effects that can come if you jump straight from a regular, carb rich, semi-processed diet into a fast. You can expect clearer thinking, a calmer gut, and increased energy as a result of a well prepared juice fast. Look out for the next 4 Week Body Reset, starting the 1st of March! And keep up with me to find out how I feel during the next three days. I need this!